CPR Training Manikin

CPR Training Manikin in India

Hospital Laboratory is counted among the topmost CPR Training Manikin Manufacturers in India and offer a wide variety of medical related products in the market. This manikin was created to give adults effective CPR instruction without compromising realism or quality. Its long-lasting and practical design makes hands-on practice accessible to all students.

Effective to give CPR training sessions

Manikins are used to demonstrate each stage of CPR and ventilation in the condition of a cardiac arrest. This training can give life to a person if it is performed correctly. This CPR technique helps to get relief from a sudden heart attack. 

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These devices are primarily used to improve the teaching of medical students. We are one of the leading Wholesale CPR Training Manikin Suppliers and Exporters in India. There are several sorts of manikins accessible, with full-size manikins incorporating electronics being one of the most unique. Batteries are used to regulate it.

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